This was originally published in late April 2019 on the day Facebook down for its longest period of time ever.
As we are all generally on Facebook multiple times a day by now you probably noticed that Facebook has had serious issues since yesterday morning (Article written in 2019)( and experienced the largest disruption to service in its history. What would happen to your business, your social life and to you if it was down for a month?
No panic from Any Expat or from me personally, in fact I appreciated the fact it was not working and could not check and respond to individual messages. This prompted an unplanned break from the internet, by coincidence THE SOCIAL NETWORK was on television so watched that rather than use the broken website itself.
Ok so assuming Blog articles are like high school exams and I must show my work here you go.
Only 1 entity owns any Facebook Group, that entity is called Facebook, Inc (Meta Platforms Inc as of 28th October 2021)
There is a misconception amongst Facebook Group Admins that they OWN the group. To be fair this is easy to understand as you might think if you go into the Facebook options, create a group, cultivate an audience and deal with the daily Spam that you actually own that group, but you do not you are working on someone elses land and if you volunteer to do so that is your choice, but you do not become part owner.
An alternative analogy that might help is this, if I am an artist and go produce a mural on your building for free and keep adding to it, I do not own the Mural and one day the building owner might get bored of my presence and no longer allow me access. The owner of the building would not have to justify this to anyone, they would simply say get lost and you would have no rights or anyone to complain to as you were never asked to produce this work in the first place.
FACEBOOK GROUPS are exactly the same, they have no value to group admins (Although many will feel they own something with value) as Group Admins cannot sell something that is not theirs to sell
(If you do try to sell a Facebook Group and they find out, the group will simply disappear)
This ramble and the reference to groups has been prompted of course by the lack of service from Facebook, but imagine if FACEBOOK WENT DOWN FOR A MONTH, what happens then?
This is important to our audience and partners, as AnyExpat was formed out of a FACEBOOK groups focused on assisting Any Expat that wants to move to Italy. The Group is called Expats in Italy as you can see with a little over 5,000 members right now.
What if Facebook never came back online? Well it would not be an issue, there are many ways to attract an audience to a website and a Facebook Audience belongs to Facebook, knowing this is half the battle. Unless you have people on the URL you own, you are on someone elses land creating a lovely mural.
In actual fact, AnyExpat operates as if Facebook could simply stop working (It could happen and to think that it cannot is simply wishful thinking). We have many advantages in terms of attracting an audience, which include value of each user (Many times higher than rivals), an expectation that one day this might be a reality and a clear knowledge of what to do if it does.
If Facebook stopped operating tomorrow, AnyExpat would be in an improved position rather than a worse one due to SEO expertise, nimbleness, conversion process and a number of other levers that would be applied. I do not want to hope for Facebook to fail, but it would be exciting to rocket past many that are too reliant on what happens on the internet land that they do not own.
I am sure Facebook will resolve all their issues this time but next time their problems might be outwith their control and impossible to fix.
I was one of the many Millions? to see this message and have not been able to log back in
“Facebook is down for required maintenance right now, but you should be able to get back on within a few minutes.”
The message links to a note on Facebook’s help center that reads:
This usually means we’re making an improvement to the database your account is stored on. While this process won’t affect your account, you temporarily won’t be able to access the site.
Keep in mind, we don’t do site maintenance on all accounts at the same time. It’s possible that your friends will be able to access the site while your account is still unavailable.
If you panicked when you read this, maybe your business or your day to day life are too reliant on a webiste that you do not own, worth thinking about
Facebook did issue an explanation that was more technical as to what they tried to do, what problems it caused and how they were compounding.
We are users of their site simple care about the answers to two question
Q1.. Does it work? YES / NO
Q2.. IF NO, what will I/We do now?
Any Expat who wants to assist Expats around the world connect with services they might require, with or without a platform called Facebook should get in touch.
Give us a like on FACEBOOK here is the link
Isn’t Social Proof odd?
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1 Comment
Lillian Jones
Good info